Friday, February 19, 2010

I'm From the Government and I'm Here to Help

Last year the President upbraided executives who jetted to Las Vegas on the "tax payers' dime." Chastened, and for appearances' sake, many of those execs cancelled their companies' planned conventions there (341 of them according to the Governor of Nevada) and the city's economy went down the toilet. Nevertheless, business did improve somewhat and up till a week ago seemed to be looking up; until our tone-deaf President chose to have at that besieged city one more time, this time bashing families who "blow a bunch of cash on Vegas" instead of spending it responsibly.

Today the President tried to make amends and did so in classic liberal Democrat fashion: he flew to Vegas to announce ( the mayor of Las Vegas refused to attend) $1.5 billion of our money will be spent on "housing relief" for the region (this was also an attempt to inject life into the re-election campaign of soon-to-be ex-Senator Harry Reid). I wonder if all those casino workers, laid off as a result of the President's ham-fisted trashing of their industry, will be the first recipients of our President's generous "relief" program; paid for by none other than themselves and the rest of the nation's beleaguered taxpayers.

The President and his Democratic chums will likely suffer catastrophic losses in the upcoming November elections and one of the reasons will surely be their utter obliviousness to just how much their high-handed superiority grates on the average working Joe. Since these members of the educated class have yet to learn this, despite being in power for over a year, there seems little likelihood they will by election day.

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