Friday, January 28, 2011

We Aren't Far Behind

It looks as if the brain drain of England is a fait accomplis.
[Gatwick] Airport bans toy soldier's three-inch rifle from plane... because it's a safety threat

The plastic Royal Signaller was bought by tourist Julie Lloyd as a present to take home to her husband Ken, a recently retired policeman in Toronto, Canada.

Mrs Lloyd, 59, who regularly visits Britain to see her mother, said: ‘I took it to the airport still in its wrapping, but they discovered the little gun when it was scanned.

‘It is only about three inches long and there are no moving parts. There isn’t even a trigger.
‘But they wouldn’t let me take it with me. I had it in my

hand luggage. I just didn’t think it would cause a problem. They said rules were rules. There was no flexibility or common sense.’

Brain drain is accelerated when morons are given badges.

Thanks to John Beeler

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