Friday, January 28, 2011

They Dare Not Mention It

Those hankering, for whatever reasons, to learn what passes for theology these days in the Episcopal Church (and to a large extent, alas, Canterbury itself) can do a lot worse than read the inchoate gnostic babbling of Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori to the Paulist Fathers at their 40th annual Hecker lecture. Or (and a lot more fun) read the exegetical fisking of said lecture, expertly performed by the inimitable Christopher Johnson of the Midwest Conservative Journal; I dare not compete with the master and besides, Ms. Schori is the Episcopalians' problem, not mine. By now virtually all Episcopalians who might have taken exception to heterodox ramblings like hers have moved on or are in the process of doing so.

What I do feel free objecting to, however, is the Paulist Fathers inviting the titular head of a protestant denomination that enthusiastically supports abortion rights to speak at a distinguished lecture series named for their founder. One searches in vain in the article covering Ms. Schori's speech on the society's website for even a passing smidgen of regret over her and her church's stand on a hideous act so fundamentally opposed to Catholic teaching. Father Hecker would be dismayed.


Ecgbert said...

What I do feel free objecting to, however, is the Paulist Fathers inviting the titular head of a protestant denomination that enthusiastically supports abortion rights to speak at a distinguished lecture series named for their founder.

Thank you!

Augustine said...

The Paulists should be suppressed as an order. Anything less would deny their calumny and syncretism.

Anonymous said...

The Paulists have been off the reservation for a VERY long time.

Just check the list of things published by Paulist Press. Right up there with Orbis as heterodox effluent.

Just give a listen to the Busted Halo program. But keep a bottle of Maalox @ the ready.

This goes back to the very beginning. Isaac Hecker and Orestes Brownson had very differeing views of how Catholics should evangelize to American Protestants. I am in the Brownson camp, so my words towards Hecker/Paulists would be uncharitable.

I will say that IMHO, Hecker should have remained a Redemptorist.

Nuf said...