Thursday, August 26, 2010

Malkin in the Middle

There's another religious controversy taking place in New York City aside from that of the mosque an imam with very questionable links wants erected near the site of the former World Trade Center, one that has not incurred quite the argy-bargy of the other but one worth noting anyway.

Back in May the Catholic League, an advocacy group that gives liberals conniptions, headed by Bill Donohue (whom I find admirable, if a bit of a blow-hard) requested the Empire State Building's management illuminate the top the building in blue and white on the occasion of the one-hundredth anniversary of the birth of Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, which is today. Management refused, stating that it violated their policy of not honoring "religious figures." Many people squawked and inconsistencies from the past were noted but the Empire State Building's owner, Anthony Malkin, stuck to his guns and thus has received stinging criticism, particularly from the Catholic League. Meanwhile, loathsome organizations like Catholics [sic] for Choice and others just as bad have lauded Malkin's decision. Despite, however, the miserable company Malkin keeps in this matter I must also support his decision, for two reasons.

One: it's Malkin's building. Despite considerable efforts of liberals these past fifty years to thwart them, we still have property rights in this country; he can do what he likes with it.

Two (and, I suspect, the real reason for his saying no): should Malkin have granted the Catholic League's wish to honor Mother Teresa you can be sure the very next day Muslim organizations would have demanded equal time, insisting on a tribute to the Ayatollah Khomeini or some other such charmer. If they were turned down the shrieks of a double standard, bigotry, racism, hatefulness, divisiveness etc. from them and their water carriers at the New York Times and others in mainstream media would be deafening. Others would follow suit and ere long Malkin would be fending off demands from the likes of Scientologists, demanding tribute to L. Ron Hubbard, and atheists, demanding same for Madeline Murray O'Hare. Litigation would be inevitable and soon every day of the year and then some would be spoken for.

Malkin made a wise and prudent decision for these absurdly multicultural and litigious times.

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