Friday, November 16, 2007

This Guy Means Business

Damian Thompson, in the Telegraph, writes His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI has big plans.

The 80-year-old Pontiff is planning a purification of the Roman liturgy in which decades of trendy innovations will be swept away. This recovery of the sacred is intended to draw Catholics closer to the Orthodox and ultimately to heal the 1,000 year Great Schism. But it is also designed to attract vast numbers of conservative Anglicans, who will be offered the protection of the Holy Father if they covert en masse

The underlying motive:

The liberation of the Latin liturgy, the rapprochement with Eastern Orthodoxy, the absorption of former Anglicans - all these ambitions reflect Benedict's conviction that the Catholic Church must rediscover the liturgical treasure of Christian history to perform its most important task: worshipping God.

Duh. Read it all. Naturally, the liberals are livid.

(Thanks to William Tighe.)

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