Friday, November 02, 2007

Another Encouraging Development from Rome

The new English translation of the Mass is complete.

Nov. 2, 2007 ( - The International Commission on English in the Liturgy (ICEL) has completed a draft of its English translation of the Roman Missal.

The ICEL draft, which was unveiled on November 1, will now be submitted to the bishops' conferences of the English-speaking world. Bishop Arthur Roche of Leeds, England, explained that ICEL will solicit comments on the draft, make appropriate changes, and hopes to complete the English translation by the end of 2008...

Among the most notable changes proposed in the new translation are:

The Creed begins with "I believe," rather than "We believe"-- in a simple and accurate translation of the Latin " Credo ."

When the priest says to the congregation, "The Lord be with you," the response is now: "And with your spirit"-- again, a faithful translation of the Latin " Et cum spiritu tuo. "

The use of "inclusive language" is generally avoided, so that masculine pronouns are more broadly used-- especially in cases where the pronoun might refer to Jesus or to God.

One can only imagine how this will go over with certain clergy of a certain age in the United States (especially the jettisoning of "inclusive language"). Some have complained pre-emptively the new translation is far too literate for the average Catholic to comprehend. I guess we should feel for the critics and their distress at seeing years-long efforts dumbing down worship going up in smoke but I think also of Fr. George Rutler, who when asked what he missed most about Anglican worship after crossing the Tiber replied succinctly, "The Mass in English." Suffice it thus to say howling, bemoaning and gnashing of teeth over the new English translation of the Mass will be directly proportionate to its efficacy and quality.

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