Wednesday, November 28, 2007

N.O.W. ♥ Islamo-Fascists

From Fox News:

Sudan Charges British Teacher With Insulting Religion

KHARTOUM, Sudan — Sudan on Wednesday charged a British teacher with insulting religion and inciting hatred, a crime punishable by up to 40 lashes, six months in prison or a fine, after she named a class teddy bear "Muhammad."

The charges come a day after a 7-year-old Sudanese boy said Gilliam Gibbons, 54, asked him as part of a school assignment what he wanted to call the stuffed animal and he said, 'Muhammad,' after his name.

A spokeswoman for the National Organization for Women said the situation "is definitely on the radar, and N.O.W. is not ignoring it.

But she added that the U.S.-based organization is "not putting out a statement or taking a position."

No surprise there, the dedicated freedom lovers at N.O.W. could hardly be expected to take a stand against the stupefyingly barbaric treatment of women in Islamic countries. While they will trot out the usual Newspeak justifications, blathering about "cultural hegemony" and such to rationalize their silence, there is a far more critical purpose to their remaining mum: avoiding even the merest soupçon they--radical feminists--endorse the policies of the Bush administration; the enemy of their enemy is their friend. To the brave gals at N.O.W., it's better the schoolmarm's flogging goes unprotested than risk the sin of leftist apostasy. Besides, it happens in a part of the world in which they would never, ever dream of finding themselves.

(h/t The Jawa Report)

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