Thursday, October 25, 2007

A Big Stretch

Diogenes takes on another iteration of a favorite accusation of left-wing organizations, by the United Nations in this instance, that owing to her proscription on the use of condoms the Catholic Church is culpable for the spread of AIDS. That, of course, is absolute bunk and just a clumsy attempt by advocates for the promiscuous to absolve their charges of the hideous consequences of their foolish and risky behavior. After all, as Uncle Di points out, the Church also insists on chastity and fidelity and while many of the more strident AIDS activists will condemn that as "moralizing" (which is only acceptable when coming from the left) even they will have difficulty making the point that not sleeping around helps to spread AIDS (but patience, in time they'll come up with something: the left already wears comfortably the notion of "repressive tolerance").

There is, however, an even greater absurdity to the UN charge. Supposing, arguendo, the Church changed her teachings and OK'd the use of condoms. It would be quite a stretch indeed, even for the ideological contortionists at the UN, ACT-UP and in the editorial room of Playboy Magazine, to then believe roués headed out on the town to bag a moose will henceforth think to themselves: "Uh, oh! the Holy Catholic Church insists I use rubbers when I go shagging; better lay in a supply of Trojans on my way to the bars." Especially if the roué is a Protestant.

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