Friday, March 04, 2022

Moving On.

Greetings to anyone who happens to come across this posting. This is to inform you the Bovina Bloviator is finally heading into the barn for good. To those who find the news distressing (there must be a few), you may be pleased know its author, under the guise of a new pseudonym, Issac Bickerstaff, Esq., has started a new blog called The Taos Tatler, in a region far more mountainous than the Catskills, namely the Sangre de Cristo Mountains in the Southern Rockies. You may find the new blog at the link: 

This blog will remain up indefinitely, though always at the whim of Google, which owns the platform, mainly because some of the postings their author still finds pleasing and he's far too lazy, i.e., he doesn't know how, to catalogue and archive them as an organized person would. This will have to do.

Your readership and comments, pro or con, have always been gratefully appreciated in the past and, it is hoped, in the future.

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