Tuesday, May 08, 2012

They Just Don't Get It at Georgetown U

Or perhaps they do. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius will be the commencement speaker at the Georgetown University Public Policy Institute's graduation ceremony on May 18th. This has to be a deliberately provocative move. Even in the cocoon of academe the Georgetown administrators must surely have picked up the occasional stray rumor Ms. Sebeleus is more than a little controversial; that when told told by her bishop to chose between advocating for abortion and receiving at communion, she elected the former; that she is responsible for the Obama administration's recent order Catholic employers must provide for contraception, abortifacients and sterilization in their employee health plans.

The Georgetown Jebbies and other administrators, by inviting Secretary Sebeleus to speak are sending a clear message to Holy Church they feel not the least bound by her teachings, nor by the inevitable protests arising from the faithful over their willful flouting of them. It is a mystery to this writer that observant Catholic parents would consider, even briefly, sending their children to that formerly Catholic institution.

UPDATE: is it possible this is merely a cynical stunt by the Georgetown administration, extending an invitation to Secretary Sebeleus knowing full well they must withdraw it (with "deep regret," no doubt) later on when pressured from above? They may then bewail the "crushing of dissent" or  some-such by the Church and earn street creds with the campus radicals.

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