Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Laborum Dulce Lenimen

From The Hill:
White House dismisses critics, defends Obama's golf outings during Gulf crisis

The White House is dismissing criticism that President Barack Obama shouldn’t play golf during the Gulf oil spill.

White House spokesman Bill Burton on Monday said the president deserves some time to relax, and he doesn’t “think that there’s a person in this country that doesn’t think that their president ought to have a little time to clear his mind.”
No argument there. Let's have a look at a typically arduous week for our President, as provided in painstaking detail by spokesman Burton (with emphasis added to certain verbs).
“And so after a week where the president was taking on the oil spill, an historic agreement with BP to put aside $20 billion to pay claims; after a day on Friday when he strengthened lobby and ethics rules in the White House; after going to Ohio to talk about the economy and see the progress that’s being made and some of those stimulus projects that are happening around the country — all the different issues that the president is dealing with, I think that a little time to himself on Father’s Day weekend probably does us all good as American citizens that our president is taking that time,” Burton said.
Whew! I'm exhausted simply by reading it! How one man manages to squeeze so much into one little week and also get in a round of golf is beyond my poor powers.

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