Wednesday, February 13, 2008

She Has Not Yet Begun to Fight

If Barack Obama were overweight, clumsy, balding and white would the media be in such a swoon over him? His and Hillary Clinton’s positions on issues are essentially monolithic so his appearance and demeanor can be the only explanation for fourth estate puppy love. This infatuation, however, is forcing the media into a big mistake with their recent dismissals of Mrs. Clinton’s chances of winning the nomination.

Hillary has craved the presidency before Barack was born and her and Bill’s attack machine is second to none in efficacy; look, for example, to hear a whole lot more about Barack’s youthful drug use. Moreover, there is a slew of delegates in Michigan and Florida we soon will hear Hillary claiming are hers after all. No matter how many people are outraged by it, she will likely get them. Ambition trumps prettiness just about every time and it’s a long way to the convention. As long as Hillary has a pulse, we are foolish to count her out.

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