Answers to a couple of FAQs.
Regarding RCIA: the priest whose care I am under has exempted me from it, a privilege he often extends to Anglicans, he tells me. Nevertheless, I have been attending the classes his parish offers because (apparently unlike so many others) they are informative and stimulating. This week's class, for example, was on grace and there was much discussion of it in the form found in Flannery O'Connor's stories. Hardly boring, that!
Where I attend Mass: I am blessed (in this case, at least) to live in Manhattan where quality Catholic worship is readily available. I find myself attending St. Agnes's on 43rd Street for their superb celebration of the old Latin Rite and Fr. Rutler's Church of Our Saviour where the N.O. is used. The mediocre English is regrettable but otherwise the ritual, music and preaching are superb. Fr. Rutler has announced the Old Rite will be celebrated at Our Saviour when they can figure out where to schedule it. He is a very busy man.
Finally, a personal note to JAC: hearing from you was especially gratifying and due credit is acknowledged. I wonder if you recall a rather heated debate we had back in 2003 about the state of the Episcopal Church. You and I argued vociferously (at that point a fair amount of Hendrick's gin had worked its way into the conversation) the appropriateness of leaving the Episcopal Church. I was against, you were for. That'll larn me. It would be a joy to see you on on the other side of the Tiber but regardless, you'll always be my favorite priest (and you're up against some powerful competition).