Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Anodyne Atrocities

Tony Woodlief, writing in Image, about Bad Christian Art:
I’m convinced that bad art derives, like bad literary theory, from bad theology. To know God falsely is to write and paint and sculpt and cook and dance Him falsely. Perhaps it’s not poor artistic skill that yields bad Christian art, in other words, but poor Christianity. 
Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s warning against cheap grace comes to mind, a recognition that our redemption was bought with a price, as redemption always is. The writer who gives us sentimentality is akin to the painter Thomas Kinkade, who explicitly aims to paint the world without the Fall, which is not really the world at all, but a cheap, maudlin, knock-off of the world, a world without suffering and desperate faith and Christ Himself, which is not really a world worth painting, or writing about, or redeeming.
Read it all. Extending Woodlief's analogy, is there any doubt the music-product perpetrated against worshipers in most Catholic churches these days is the sonic equivalent of Thomas Kinkade paintings?

h/t Conservative Blog for Peace

1 comment:

Young fogey emeritus said...

Extending Woodlief's analogy, is there any doubt the music-product perpetrated against worshipers in most Catholic churches these days is the sonic equivalent of Thomas Kinkade paintings?

Well put and thanks for linking to me.